Tillerson to visit UK amid spat over Manchester blast leaks

News Agencies 26 May 2017, 15:05 IST

Tillerson to visit UK amid spat over Manchester blast leaks

Amidst a spat over intelligence leaks, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will make his first official visit to Britain on 26 may to reaffirm Washington's commitment to London.

Tillerson is scheduled to meet British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, "in an expression of UK-US solidarity following the terrorist attack in Manchester earlier this week," said a Foreign Office statement.

The two officials are likely to discuss a range of issues that include foreign policy; future action on terrorism; the UK's upcoming general election on June 8; and the improvement of trade ties as the UK looks to strengthen its hand in its Brexit withdrawal negotiations, reports the CNN.

Tillerson and Johnson will also sign a condolence book for the victims of the Manchester attack.

The visit comes after senior UK officials lambasted the US over a series of intelligence leaks to U.S. media of details surrounding the Manchester bombing investigation.

United States President Donald Trump expressed regret over the leaked information and has reportedly ordered the Justice department to launch an investigation into the incident.