Theresa May to form government with help of Democratic Unionist party

News Agencies 9 June 2017, 22:19 IST

Theresa May to form government with help of Democratic Unionist party

After failing to secure a majority in the parliament in Thursday's snap general election, British Prime Minister Theresa May has announced plans to form a government with the backing of the Democratic Unionist party.

In a statement at Downing Street, after returning from Buckingham Palace, where she received the Queen's permission to form a government, May shrugged off a growing backlash in the Conservative party, and said she would provide the "certainty" the country needed, reports the Guardian.

"What the country needs more than ever is certainty, and having secured the largest number of votes and the greatest number of seats in the general election, it is clear that only the Conservative and Unionist party has the legitimacy and ability to provide that certainty by commanding a majority in the House of Commons," she said.

"Our two parties have enjoyed a strong relationship over many years, and this gives me the confidence to believe that we will be able to work together, in the interests of the whole United Kingdom," she added.

She insisted she would press ahead with Brexit talks, which are to begin in 10 days.

Many believe the results of 2017 general elections will also impact Britain's exit from the 27-nation bloc as the main reason behind calling for sudden elections was to strength May hands in the Parliament so as to negotiate with Brussels and pass necessary legislation.

But the results left the Tories 12 short of the required number of Commons seat that will embolden anti- Brexit parties .

The Conservatives failed to secure an overall majority in the election, as Jeremy Corbyn confounded predictions to.

Earlier, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who secured a sharp surge in Labour support in the recent election, called on May to resign saying 'Politics has changed" as Britons had rejected her policies of "austerity".