Taliban leaders among 16 dead in Afghan operation

News Agencies 22 November 2017, 12:56 IST

Taliban leaders among 16 dead in Afghan operation

At least 16 terrorists belonging to the Taliban group, including three key commanders, were killed in an operation by the security forces in Maidan Wardak province of Afghanistan.

According to the Tolo News, the Wardak police on Wednesday said in a statement that a joint clearance operation was carried out by the Afghan police, the army, special forces and commandos, in which three other terrorists were wounded.

Qari Yousof, Qari Mustafa and Qari Farid were the three key commanders, who were killed amongst the other terrorists, the statement further said. The killed commanders got their military training in Pakistan, it added. No security personnel or civilian war harmed during the operation.

Earlier in October, at least seven Talibanis were killed and five others wounded following clashes with the Afghan security and special operations forces in the province.