Rex Tillerson: US trying to stay in Iran nuclear deal

News Agencies 16 October 2017, 10:09 IST

Rex Tillerson: US trying to stay in Iran nuclear deal

Asserting that it is in the interest of United States to stay in the nuclear deal Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Washington is trying to be a part of the agreement.

Tillerson in an interview to CNN said the US hope to achieve more from Iran in the signed deal.

Tillerson's remark came days after President Donald Trump threatened to pull the US out of the 2015 agreement.

"We're going to stay in," Tillerson said.

"We're going to work with our European partners and allies to see if we can't address these concerns," he added.

Tillerson said Tehran had committed technical violations of the deal, but the agreement was structured in a way to give Iran significant time to remedy its violations.

"They have remedied the violations, which then brings them back into technical compliance," he said.

"What the President wants is a more comprehensive strategy," Tillerson said.

Trump on 13 October threatened to terminate the 2015 Iran nuclear deal if Congress and US allies fail to amend the agreement by fixing serious flaws in significant ways.