Post Comey's dismissal, all eyes on Donald Trump's choice for new FBI Director

News Agencies 10 May 2017, 13:54 IST

Post Comey's dismissal, all eyes on Donald Trump's choice for new FBI Director

With James Comey ousted as the FBI director, President Donald Trump and his team have now started looking for his replacement for a new 10 year term.

As Trump's month-year-old presidency is marred by Russian links, Republicans are busy finding someone who has unquestionable credibility with a deep background in law enforcement matters.

Democrats argue that Trump's new pick for FBI director must have no connections to Trump politically or professionally so as to make it impossible for anyone to question the next director's conflict of interest.

"The FBI is one of our national's most cherished and respected institutions, and today will mark a new beginning for our crown jewel of law enforcement,: Trump said in a statement issued by the White House.

There are five people in the race and the next FBI director only needs 51 votes to get through the senate.

Rudy Giuliani:

Giuliani, the former mayor of New York and United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, would likely be among Trump's top choices for FBI director. He is loyal to the president and has law enforcement background.

But his vocal advocacy for Trump during the 2016 campaign would make it nearly impossible for the former New York mayor to get confirmed by the Senate, even if he only needed 51 votes.

Chris Christie:

Christie is the New Jersey governor and was one of the first top flight Republicans to endorse Trump during the 2016 campaign.

He has a law enforcement background and would be close to Trump.

But like Giuliani, he is clearly partisan.

Ray Kelly:

Kelly, the former commissioner of the New York City Policy Department

The New York Times reported in 1993, after Kelly first severed as commissioner of the NYPD after the World Trade Center bombing, that the former police cadet "has been mentioned as a possible replacement" for the FBI under then-President Bill Clinton.

Kelly didn't become FBI director.

But the fact he was considered by Clinton, a Democrat, gets to one of Kelly's strongest suits: Possible bipartisan support.

John Pistole:

Pistole, currently the president of Anderson University in Indiana, is another example of someone who could curry bipartisan support.

Pistole, who last served as the administrator of the Transportation Security Administration under President Barack Obama, also served as deputy director of the FBI under former president George W. Bush.

Andrew McCabe:

McCabe would likely be the easiest pick, given he is currently working at the acting director of the FBI and had served as Comey's deputy since early February 2016.

He joined the FBI as a special agent in 1996 and has since worked in on a host of issues, including counterterrorism, national security and interrogation.

McCabe's connection to Comey and he is also involved in the FBI's investigation into Russia's role in the 2016 election.