‘Nikki Haley poses a potential threat to Donald Trump,’ says Washington Post after the abrupt resignation

Speed News Desk 10 October 2018, 11:57 IST

‘Nikki Haley poses a potential threat to Donald Trump,’ says Washington Post after the abrupt resignation

On the basis of the comment made by the political analysts, One of the leading newspapers of the United States The Washington Post reported that Nikki Haley, who abruptly resigned from the post of US ambassador to UN on Tuesday, was a ‘a potential threat to Trump’.

A report published on the website of the newspaper written by Ashley Parker and Philip Rucker said that Haley was a rising star. The report noted “In a sign of her rising profile, the ambassador to the United Nations on Tuesday simultaneously announced her resignation at the end of this year while also reassuring Trump that she has no plans to challenge his reelection”.

Haley reportedly said “No, I’m not running for 2020. In a sign of her rising profile, the ambassador to the United Nations on Tuesday simultaneously announced her resignation at the end of this year while also reassuring Trump that she has no plans to challenge his reelection”.

Quoting this statement of Haley, the report claimed “The blunt statement underscores both the loyalty demanded by Trump and the political complications Haley could pose to the president”.

The report also quoted a longtime Republican strategist tension Mike Murphy to strengthen its analysis. He said “She’s a rising star and he’s king, so there’s always an inherent tension there. Politically, any star in the party is a threat to Trump because in his Stalinesque way, there’s only one sun god and it has to be Trump”.

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