New study claims digestive disorders could be symptoms of coronavirus

Speed News Desk 20 March 2020, 15:05 IST

New study claims digestive disorders could be symptoms of coronavirus

Researchers are trying to find the treatment to treat the coronavirus. Amid this chaos, research claimed that digestive issues like diarrhea could be the first symptoms of the coronavirus.

The study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology on Wednesday claimed that nearly half of the patients admitted to the hospital in the central Chinese province of Hubei have complained of digestive issues.

Researched found that around 48.2% of people main complaint was digestive disorders like diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vomiting.

While 7% of the cases reported no respiratory problems, which has been one of the most notable symptoms of coronavirus, researchers claimed in the study.

The patients also waited on average two days longer to seek treatment from the onset of the virus than those without digestive symptoms, the report said.

Researchers affirmed that the new findings will help doctors in detecting the virus.

With the help of a study, the physician can early quarantine patients with such symptoms and help in stopping the outbreak of the pandemic.

According to the reports in the New York Post, “Clinicians should recognize that digestive symptoms, such as diarrhea, maybe a presenting feature of COVID-19,” researchers concluded, adding that doctors shouldn’t be “waiting for respiratory symptoms to emerge.”

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