National Rally leader Marine Le Pen proposes to dissolve French National Assembly

News Agencies 3 December 2018, 16:16 IST

National Rally leader Marine Le Pen proposes to dissolve French National Assembly

Amid 'Yellow Vest' crisis, the National Rally (NR) leader Marine Le Pen has proposed to dissolve the lower Chamber of French Parliament and hold fresh parliamentary elections.

According to the Sputnik, Le Pen, while citing the only solution to the crisis, said, "It is necessary to implement proportional representation and dissolve the National Assembly in order to hold new proportional elections."

Le Pen further criticised President Emmanuel Macron for his insufficient response to the protest. "We are the best in policing the world. In this case, we have been very bad," she said on Monday.

The Assembly was last dissolved in 1997 when then President Jacques Chirac dissolved the National Assembly over economic instability in the country and asked the French to elect a new Parliament.

On Saturday, nearly 36,000 Yellow Vest demonstrators took to the streets to protest against the government decision to increase fuel prices. So far, a total of 133 people have been injured during the riot and 412 were arrested.

Speaking on the protests, Macron asserted that his country would not change their decision on the hike in fuel prices. He further condemned the violence and stated that those behind the violence would be brought to justice.


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