Maldives opposition calls for UN intervention

News Agencies 16 February 2018, 16:43 IST

Maldives opposition calls for UN intervention

A joint opposition in the Maldives on Friday issued a call for the United Nations (UN) to immediately intervene in the island nation's political turmoil and to put an end to the emergency imposed by President Abdulla Yameen.

Ali Zahir, deputy leader of Adhaalath Party (AP) told ANI, "Yeah I strongly believe there is a need for UN mediation and also that's the only way we can engage on dialogue with the government".

The Maldives is facing political unrest since President Yameen's imposed emergency after refusing to implement a Supreme Court order of freeing imprisoned opposition leaders.

On February 6, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged the government of the Maldives to uphold the constitution and rule of the law, lift the state of emergency immediately, and take all measures to ensure the safety and security of the people in the country, including members of the judiciary.

However, President Yameen's offer for talks with the Maldives United Opposition is unlikely to be taken up due to the trust deficit between the two sides.

Eva Abdulla, a Member of Parliament said, "Dialogue needs to be internationally mediated and guaranteed. We are concerned the government's sudden call for talks is a means to buy time and to distract from their atrocious events of the past week; the call is insincere and this is a tactic they have resorted to before".

She added, "The Government cannot kidnap the Chief Justice, political leaders, hijack the Parliament and Supreme Court, a crackdown on the opposition and then suggest dialogue. For meaningful dialogue, we need international mediation and guaranteed and we need the government to first and foremost, implement the February 1 Supreme Court ruling, release the political prisoners and withdraw the military from the Parliament.

Abdulla Riyaz, a Member of Parliament and Deputy Leader of Jumhooree Party said, "I think with the current deadlock, international mediation is a must! We call all our foreign friends to support our call for UN mediation".

It is believed, the current regime's actions against former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and the Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and other functionaries are "frame-ups and based on concocted charges", like those against former Defence Minister Col. Nazim.

This was revealed by a former confidante of President Abdulla Yameen and former vice president Ahmed Adeeb, who incidentally has also been jailed after he fell out with President Yameen.