Livid Trump fumes as Obamacare repeal fails

News Agencies 28 July 2017, 14:15 IST

Livid Trump fumes as Obamacare repeal fails

With the Obamacare repeal bill failing in a dramatic late-night vote, U.S. President Donald Trump lashed out that the three Republicans who voted against the GOP "skinny repeal" bill.

"3 Republicans and 48 Democrats let the American people down. As I said from the beginning, let ObamaCare implode, then deal. Watch!", he said in a strongly worded tweet.

Sens. John McCain, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins joined with Democrats to oppose the measure, reports CNN.
"This is clearly a disappointing moment. Our constituents have suffered through an awful lot under Obamacare. We thought they deserved better. It's why I and many of my colleagues did as we promised and voted to repeal this failed law. We told our constituents we would vote that way. And when the moment came, when the moment came, most of us did. It's time to move on," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said.

The legislation, referred to as a "skinny repeal" bill, would repeal the Affordable Care Act's individual and employer mandates and temporarily repeal the medical device tax.

The bill would also give states more flexibility to allow insurance that doesn't comply with Obamacare regulations, however, meaning 16 million more people being uninsured by 2026 than under Obamacare.