Kashmiri parties pass resolution to allow global rights bodies to visit Kashmir

News Agencies 20 November 2017, 17:45 IST

Kashmiri parties pass resolution to allow global rights bodies to visit Kashmir

Kashmiri parties, including the London-based Kashmir Voice International (KVI) London, have unanimously passed a resolution to allow international human rights organisations to visit both sides of Kashmir.

This decision was taken during a Kashmir Parties Conference convened by the KVI in Luton, UK, under the theme "Kashmir Conflict- A way forward for an achievable solution"

A five-member committee was framed to contact and consult different Kashmiri alliances, parties and groups in the UK to frame an agreed common minimum program (CMP) to be pursued together.

"The conference calls for all human rights violations in the Kashmir Valley to be stopped and perpetrators of such violations to be brought to justice. The human rights violations in Pakistan-held Kashmir should also come to an end. International human rights organisations should be allowed to visit both sides of the state," read a statement issued by the KVI after the conclusion of the conference.

The parties noted that all draconian laws affecting the dignity and freedom of Kashmiris should be withdrawn and that democratic rights and space for political activities should be restored.

The conference observed that repression in Kashmir is causing trauma, harassment, insecurity and uncertainty among the people and it should be brought to an end.

"The army bunkers are intensifying fear in civilian areas and this should be removed," the missive read.

"Kashmiri political prisoners anywhere in the state or outside the state should be released unconditionally," it added.

Participants in the conference discussed constitutional guarantees and conditions contained in the Accession Document should be restored on the Indian side of Jammu and Kashmir, and added that this could form a solid base for a final solution.

"A constituent assembly should be convened representing all three regions to draft a new constitution for the future," the statement further read.

Apart from that, the resolution called for the Government of Pakistan to allow the civilian administration on its side of Kashmir to function freely.

"The interference from the (Pakistan) federal government affects the efficiency in the administration and disables it to function freely. The Kashmir Affairs Ministry (KAM) should withdraw its hand from the affairs of the state and trust the local administration in the discharge of its duties. The KAM should be abolished and replaced by a developmental council," the statement said.

The party leaders also agreed that the Interim Constitution Act of 1974 should be abolished and replaced by a full-fledged constitution. To ensure the same, an elected constituent assembly should be convened in Muzaffarabad.

The parties has also decided to make a genuine demands of Gilgit Baltistan (GB) and to soften the Line of Control (LOC) between the two parts of erstwhile state, enabling Kashmiris from both sides to exercise their right to move freely.

"People-to-people contact should be encouraged and sharing of different programs should be started and expanded with the passage of time. Trade has already started should expand and traders should be provided all necessary facilities," the statement read.

It also emphasized on demilitarisation of the state and believed that India, Pakistan and Kashmiris from both sides can sit together to settle the issue for good.

Leaders of various parties, including the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), the Awami National Party (ANP), the Jammu Kashmir Freedom Movement (JKFM), the Kashmir National Party (KNP) and the Jammu Kashmir Liberation League (JKLL), and office bearers of KVI took part in the conference. Some councillors, intellectuals, and representatives linked with the tourism sector were also present.