Exiled Baloch to protest Gwadar expansionist moves in London

News Agencies 24 January 2018, 17:51 IST

Exiled Baloch to protest Gwadar expansionist moves in London

The Free Balochistan Movement (FBM) has announced plans to hold a two-day protest against illegal development by foreign companies in the port city Gwadar. The protest will take place on January 27 and 28 in London.

British firm 'One Investments' is trying to lure investors to "securely invest with China's fourth largest construction company, Secure Freehold Land Investment from 14,000 pounds, Payments from only 700 pounds per month and 373 percent returns projected over three years."

The Free Balochistan Movement said the aim of their protest is to tell the world and international investors that the Chinese and Pakistanis are illegally colonising Balochistan and attempting to change the demography of Balochistan with their expansionist designs.

"The Baloch nation in Balochistan and abroad strongly opposes such colonial projects and urges international investors to refrain from investing in any China-Pakistan joint project until the conflict of Balochistan in resolved and Baloch regain the ownership of their land and its resources," they said in a statement.

The Free Balochistan Movement has invited the Baloch community in the United Kingdom (UK) and other human rights and political supporters ofBalochistan to join their protest between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. outside Grosvenor House Hotel Park Lane | London | W1K 7TN.

The pro-freedom Baloch party, which is headed by Hyrbyair Marri, has previously organised several events of this nature to highlight the China-Pakistan nexus in Balochistan as well as the human rights violations taking place in the name of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and other development projects.

They also highlighted the fact that China plans to build a naval base in Jiwani and for this purpose the local Baloch are being expelled from their native towns.