Every day six people killed extra judicially in Balochistan: Ahmar Mustikhan

News Agencies 5 October 2017, 16:07 IST

Every day six people killed extra judicially in Balochistan: Ahmar Mustikhan

Human rights violations in Balochistan province of Pakistan have drawn concern and criticism globally.

The growing conflict between the government of Pakistan and Baloch nationalists result in the rise in enforced disappearances, tortures and killings of intellectuals and activists from the province.

Baloch journalist and human rights activist Ahmar Mutikhan claims that Pakistan army is engaged in genocide of Baloch people.

Ahmar Mustikhan, a journalist and Baloch activist, said, "This genocide in Balochistan, if you look at the 20,000 killed in the last ten years it is killing like almost six people every day. Extrajudicial killings continue with impunity, no courts, no records to law, no records to justice, their own constitution has been in abeyance in Balochistan. If there has been some reality to democracy then it has been in other parts of Pakistan - Sindh or Punjab. But, when it comes to Balochistan we have had military rule all over."

The situation in Balochistan is getting worse since China start constructing multi-billion dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

A large number of indigenous Baloch have been displaced and killed by the security forces.

Ahmar said Pakistan is hiding its crime in Balochistan by restricting visits of humanitarian groups and aid agencies.

Mustikhan said, "Even after the devastating earthquake four years ago they did not let organizations like the Doctors without Borders to enter into Balochistan because they feared that the true story of Balochistan will be known to the world. They only treat Balochistan as a land of strategic value, so they don't want any outsider to come there other then the Chinese. For the Chinese, Balochistan has been made visa exempt. They are bringing thousands of Chinese. Very soon the Chinese and Punjabi population will outnumber the local population.

The China-led 51.5 billion dollar multi-layered infrastructure project aims to connect Kashgar in China's western province of Xinjiang, with the port of Gwadar in Balochistan.

Some of the key projects of the CPEC are being undertaken in Balochistan. Chief among them is the development of the Gwadar Port.

However as China accelerates work on the port project and other aspects of the CPEC, opposition among the local people against them is mounting.

Baloch nationalist groups in the province, who have for years been demanding independence and have frequently clashed with the Pakistani Army and establishment, have also called for opposition to the project.