Coronavirus in China: Wuhan shuts public transport over deadly virus outbreak

Speed News Desk 23 January 2020, 11:34 IST

Coronavirus in China: Wuhan shuts public transport over deadly virus outbreak

The major epidemic in China after coronavirus hit the country from the past few months. In China’s city of 11 million people, Wuhan, public transport services have been shut temporarily. The reason behind to suspend the transport services is due to the outbreak of a new strain of the virus.

An alert has been released for citizens not to leave their houses. The respiratory illness has affected over 500 people and at least 17 people have died. The alert released in a wake of the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday when millions of Chinese are expected to travel.

Several cases have been spotted elsewhere in Asia and one in the United States.

Meanwhile, researchers are also trying to learn more about the deadly virus and also trying to find whether the virus has the potential to cause an outbreak just like the 2002-03 epidemic of a severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which killed 774 people in 37 countries, including southern China.

Both viruses i.e. coronavirus and SARS have belonged to the same family of virus that is responsible for the common cold.

According to the Chinese authorities, some cases of virus-infected people have been caused by transmission between humans, but it’s still unclear whether this can happen routinely.

High rates of pneumonia among the first people infected had many researchers worried that the Wuhan virus was especially pernicious.

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