China to lift 10 million people out of poverty by 2018

News Agencies 5 March 2018, 11:10 IST

China to lift 10 million people out of poverty by 2018

China aims to lift over 10 million people in the rural areas out of poverty, including 2.8 million people, who will be relocated from inhospitable regions of the country within this year, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Monday.

"Poverty alleviation efforts will be carried on through the development of local industries, education, and healthcare," Premier Li said while delivering a government work report at the 13th National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, which is underway.

"China will do more to support areas affected by extreme poverty, and the central budget's newly enlarged poverty reduction funds and related transfer payments will be weighted toward these areas," he added.

The Chinese leader further said that measures will be taken to ensure that that the poor populations, including elderly people, people with disabilities and those diagnosed with serious diseases will receive the required medical assistance, Xinhua reported.

"Poverty relief policies will remain unchanged for those already lifted out of poverty while the battle goes on, and the newly poor and those who slip back into poverty will receive prompt support", Premier Li continued.

He also promised new measures to clamp down on corruption and misconduct in poverty alleviation.

The annual legislative session commenced on Monday and will go on till March 20.

The NPC is the national legislature of China. With 2,924 members in 2017, it is the largest parliamentary body in the world.

The NPC is elected for a term of five years. It holds annual sessions every spring, usually lasting from 10 to 14 days, in the Great Hall of the People in the capital Beijing.