As China pushes for national security bill, US bars defence exports to Hong Kong

News Agencies 30 June 2020, 7:38 IST

As China pushes for national security bill, US ends defence exports to Hong Kong

As China moves forward with bringing national security legislation in Hong Kong, the US has announced the ending of the US-origin defence equipment exports to Hong Kong.

"Today, the United States is ending exports of @StateDeptPM controlled U.S. origin defence equipment and sensitive @CommerceGov controlled dual-use technologies to Hong Kong. If Beijing now treats Hong Kong as "One Country, One System," so must we," US Secretary of State Pompeo tweeted on Monday (local time).

During a press briefing, he said, "The Chinese Communist Party's decision to eviscerate Hong Kong's freedoms has forced the Trump Administration to re-evaluate its policies toward the territory. As Beijing moves forward with passing the national security law, the United States will today end exports of U.S.-origin defence equipment and will take steps toward imposing the same restrictions on U.S. defence and dual-use technologies to Hong Kong as it does for China."

He also said that the decision has been taken to protect US national security as "We can no longer distinguish between the export of controlled items to Hong Kong or to mainland China. We cannot risk these items falling into the hands of the People's Liberation Army, whose primary purpose is to uphold the dictatorship of the CCP by any means necessary."

"It gives us no pleasure to take this action, which is a direct consequence of Beijing's decision to violate its own commitments under the UN-registered Sino-British Joint Declaration. Our actions target the regime, not the Chinese people. But given Beijing now treats Hong Kong as 'One Country, One System,' so must we," Pompeo said while adding that the US will be reviewing other authorities and will take additional measures to reflect the reality on the ground in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong has been witnessing anti-government protests since June 2019, with protesters claiming to oppose China's increasing influence on the special administrative region.

The latest wave of protests was caused by a security bill specially tailored by Beijing for Hong Kong.

The security legislation, which bans secessionist activities, among other things, is seen by Hong Kong residents as undermining their liberties. However, both Hong Kong's leadership and the central government say the bill would not affect the legitimate rights of the residents. Beijing maintains that the unrest in Hong Kong is a result of international interference and vows to respect the "one country, two systems" principle.


Also Read: China imposes visa restrictions on US officials over Hong Kong