Amazing: Man survives in Amazon jungle for 31 days; know shocking details

Speed News Desk 1 March 2023, 23:52 IST

Amazing: Man survives in Amazon jungle for 31 days; know shocking details

Four friends planned for hunting in northern Bolivia forest but the perfect plan went wrong when one of them went little far and got separated.

Jhonattan Acosta got separated from his friends and went missing in the dense forest after hours of search. He bravely survived in the jungle, which is home to many predators, for 31 days. The man had no food with him and behaved like a soldier to survive in the jungle.

The 30-year-old man was stranded in the jungle and had to resort to drinking rainwater collected in his shoes and eating insects, such as worms, to replenish his energy and survive until help arrived, BBC quoted citing Acosta.

Acosta said he tried several techniques to hide from predators such as jaguars and peccaries, a type of pig-like mammal.

After a month of search operations, a team made up of locals and friends finally found Jhonattan Acosta.

"It's incredible, I can't believe people kept up the search for so long," Acosta said to BBC.

"I ate worms, I ate insects, you wouldn't believe all I had to do to survive all this time," he told Unitel TV.

Jhonattan also ate wild fruits similar to papayas, known locally as gargateas.

His family still has to piece together how Jhonattan got lost and how he stayed alive in the dangerous forest, amidst wild predators. However, they have refrained from asking any questions as Acosta is still psychologically bruised from the horrific experience.

Notably, the 30-year-old man lost 17kg in weight over 31 days. He had a dislocated ankle and was dehydrated when found by the search team.

"My brother told us that when he dislocated his ankle on the fourth day, he started fearing for his life," Jonathan’s brother Horacio Acosta told Bolivia's Página Siete newspaper.

"He only had one cartridge in his shotgun and couldn't walk, and he thought no one would be looking for him anymore," Horacio Acosta added.

Jhonattan had no machete, knife or a flashlight on him. He had a shotgun with only one cartridge.

According to Jhonattan’s brother he used his last cartridge to scare off peccaries.

Horacio said that his brother has decided to give up hunting and going to play music to praise the god.

Meanwhile, police are going to question Jhonattan’s friends to understand how he got separated from them.

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