Afghanistan-China-Pakistan trilateral talks next week

News Agencies 22 December 2017, 15:15 IST

Afghanistan-China-Pakistan trilateral talks next week

The first round of the Afghanistan-China-Pakistan trilateral foreign ministers' talks will be held in Beijing on Tuesday (December 26).

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Acting Afghan Foreign Minister Salahuddin Rabbani and Foreign Minister of Pakistan Khawaja Asif will attend the meeting, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has said.

"As a common neighbour and friend of Afghanistan and Pakistan, China always supports Afghanistan and Pakistan to live in friendship and achieve common development," Tolo News quoted Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying, as saying.

She said that during the Chinese foreign minister's visit to Afghanistan and Pakistan in June, the three countries agreed to establish the China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Foreign Ministers' trilateral dialogue mechanism, which will serve as a platform to enhance talks and cooperation among the three states.

Hua said the three countries will have in-depth discussions on three topics: mutual political trust and reconciliation, development cooperation and connectivity, and security cooperation and counter-terrorism.

She said they hope the talks would build consensus, enhance mutual trust, promote improvement of Afghanistan-Pakistan relations.