Afghan Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah arrives in India to enhance ties

News Agencies 28 September 2017, 10:22 IST

Afghan Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah arrives in India to enhance ties

Afghanistan Chief Executive Dr. Abdullah Abdullah arrived in New Delhi on 28 September to enhance bilateral ties.

During his three-day stay in India, Abdullah will hold talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj to enhance multifaceted bilateral cooperation between both countries.

Both India and Afghanistan have slammed Pakistan for harbouring terror groups.Recently, during the United Nations debate on the 'situation in Afghanistan', Foreign Minister Salahuddin Rabbani said "Terrorism and violent extremism affecting Afghanistan is the product of a long-standing policy by a neighbouring state to keep Afghanistan unstable."

During his visit, Abdullah will also call on President Ram Nath Kovind.

Talks between the governments of Afghanistan, India and the United States have increased after President Donald Trump announced Washington's latest strategy for Afghanistan and South Asia.

Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has told U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis that India will continue to expand its engagement with Afghanistan in various sectors, including development, medical assistance, energy etc,but emphasised that New Delhi will not send its troops.

The Ministry of External Affairs has said that, "India and Afghanistan enjoy deep rooted civilisational links. India has been partnering with the Government and the people of Afghanistan in their efforts to build a stable, peaceful, prosperous, united and pluralistic country."

"The visit follows the recently concluded second meeting of the Strategic Partnership Council, which was co-chaired by the External Affairs Minister of India and the Foreign Minister of Afghanistan, where both sides ushered in next generation New Development Partnership," it added.

Dr. Abdullah Abdullah's visit was to be kicked off with the inauguration of the India-Afghanistan Trade and Investment show on Wednesday evening but was inaugurated by Finance Minister Jaitley and Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju. The event has been supported by the US Agency for International Aid and the Government of India.