112 years dinosaur replaced by blue whale at London museum

Speed News Desk 15 July 2017, 16:17 IST

112 years dinosaur replaced by blue whale at London museum

An 82-foot-long blue whale skeleton has replaced a dinosaur skeleton at London's Natural History museum on 13 July. According to the reports, after 112 years the dinosaur named as 'Dippy' has been replaced by the blue whale.

The dinosaur fossil bones were discovered in 1898 after which they were preserved in the museum.

According to the official, the replacement has taken place in a bid to raise awareness among the people about blue whales which have gone down from 2.5 lakh in 1800s to 20,000 now.

The blue whale is the largest animal lived on the earth and the mammal is on the verge of extinction.

Fans of Dippy need not despair as the replica of the dinosaur is going to be preserved for posterity in a bronze cast, which will be placed outside the museum.