Is WhatsApp 'Delete for everyone' feature effective? Maybe not

Divya Hemnani 19 February 2018, 14:56 IST

The recent feature of WhatsApp 'Delete for Everyone' was quoted ineffective, if someone has quoted your message on WhatsApp before you delete it, you will still be able to see that message.

A few months back, WhatsApp came up with a new feature to allow its over one billion user base to revoke messages in case they sent those to a wrong person or a group. The users can delete the messages for everyone up to seven minutes after sending.

The Next Web notes that quoted messages in chats continued to show in quotes even after they were wiped. It said that this is not a bug and is a part of the feature. The message will disappear if a user sends a message and deletes it from the group or individual chat within seven minutes.

However, if within these seven minutes, that message is quoted then the original message will successfully disappear but the deleted text continues to show in the recipient's quote.

There is no mention of how the feature works in cases of quotes in the WhatsApp's FAQ. The researchers claimed to discover other shortcomings in WhatsApp's implementation of deleted messages.

One particular flaw discovered by Spanish tech blog AndroidJefe - it was possible to recover deleted messages from the Android notification history.

Relying on third-party apps, users could browse the notification log to read purged texts," the report said. This approach could only recover deleted messages that were read or interacted with.