Chinese company made device to charge moving electric cars

News Agencies 5 July 2017, 15:43 IST

Chinese company made device to charge moving electric cars

Charging Electric Cars while on the move could soon become a reality. A China-based company has completed trials of a new way to transmit power to appliances as they move closer and further from its original source.

Morino Ebizo, who is currently the Research & Development Manager at Wireless Inc. Asia Limited, has commented that his team has completed trials of a new way to transmit power to appliances as they move closer and further from its original source according to a Business Wire report.

Wireless Inc. (Asia) Technology's pioneering technological breakthrough in wireless ultrasonic charging will shape the future of how we interact with our electronic devices. "We are developing the technology to live in a world without the need for routed power starting with smaller electronic devices building up to larger power sources," company claims.

The company intends to start its production to meet their wholesale and retail requirements in 2018 and expand their research and development into using their technology with other electronic devices.

"With our revolutionary patents, we have created a product that emits power through a radio frequency that will cease once an object obstructs its target. Exposure to the human skin will not cause harm or damage to the human skin, we have ensured to meet all the requirements of the FDA and respecting regulatory international bodies," according to report.

Established in 2009 the Wireless Inc. (Asia) was formed originally from a Chinese academic student team from Tsinghua University. It grew into the foundation of the company gradually, and then last year in 2016, the company received a large source of funding from various different venture capital and private equity companies totaling $18 million U.S Dollars.

Committed to the research and development of enabling consumers to charge their mobile cellular devices through groundbreaking ultrasonic waves, Wireless Inc. (Asia) is providing pioneering technology that provides wireless charging systems that are designed to allow safe charging into multiple devices via ultrasonic waves.

Quoting Studies, company has claimed that there is no health risk; the prolonged exposure using our technology directly does not cause health risks.

The application of a wireless charging unit attached to an electric vehicle was used as it maintained a steady source of power while moving at low speed.

Existing wireless charging requires the device to be stationary and very close to the charging source. The charging circuit can be tuned according to the distance between the device being charged and the charger.

The research team based their technique on quantum mechanics rules. The system automatically adapts the radio wave frequency as the object moves away from the charging coil. Using the parity-time symmetric circuit, they replaced the radio waves source, which provides the coil with energy by an amplifier put directly into the coil enabling it to produce the waves it needs.

"The future of the company's range of products is growing rapidly; from the first instance of testing out small electronic devices we have already had the funding and have successfully completed electric wireless charging in automobiles," Lewis McCarthy, Head of Investor Relations at Wireless Inc. Asia Limited commented.

"The technique is still in the experimental phase, objects moving in high speed and high-power levels could provide serious challenges to the charging method.

Until the biggest limitations are overcome, there are a lot of low-power appliances that can benefit from the method, like smart phones and small medical devices," company claims.