Twitter planning to roll out 'tweetstorm' feature with more than 280 characters

Speed News Desk 18 November 2017, 19:17 IST

Twitter planning to roll out 'tweetstorm' feature with more than 280 characters

Online news and social networking service, Twitter's TweetStorm feature was seen during testing in September, but then this feature did not appear in front of the user. Through this feature, users can chain and post tweets for crossing the limits of 280 Characters. This new feature is running for iOS and Android Beta users. This means that users can now post one tweet as a chain.

Tweeter confirmed to TechCrunch that the new feature will out soon has been in testing on alpha and beta iOS and Android programs.

Twitter has recently increased the character limit to 280, eliminating the limit of 140 words for its users. However, for the people who write in Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages, the limit of letters will still be 140 because they require very few characters to write in these languages.

The company had said that the test of more than 140 characters was conducted in September, so that Twitter users could express themselves in more words. This test of the Tweet character was successful and now you can tweet it in 280 characters. Twitter hopes that many people will be able to tweet more with this 280 characters.

Apart from this, Twitter has extended the character limit of the display name on its platform. The social media site has increased the number of its characters from 20 to 50. The company shared information through tweets. Note that the display name is different from the username that appears on the user's profile URL. User name can only be up to 15 characters long on Twitter.