Here is why Twitterati is angry with the micro-blogging site Twitter

Speed News Desk 8 November 2017, 17:14 IST

Here is why Twitterati is angry with the micro-blogging site Twitter

The micro-blogging site Twitter has finally expanded the character limit to its users from 140 to 280 on 8 November. Twitter had decided this step before doing an experiment of the same in September to check whether by expanding the word limit the Twitterati would have a better experience.

From the moment Twitter was launch on 21 march in 2006, the micro-blogging site had limited its character to its users by 140 in every tweet. The micro-blogging site has expanded its number of character in every language except Chinese, Japanese and Korean. The reason why Twitter had not expanded its word limit in these languages because a single character in these languages can express many thoughts.

The reaction to Twitter's rollout has been both positive and negative, here is the reaction: