Facebook-Cambridge Analytica row: Mark Zuckerberg on data breach, 'This was a breach of trust, I am sorry'

Speed News Desk 26 March 2018, 12:44 IST

Facebook-Cambridge Analytica row: Mark Zuckerberg on data breach, 'This was a breach of trust, I am sorry'

 Facebook Chief Mark Zuckerberg has issued a full-page apology in the major national dailies of the US and UK. The apology is regarding the recent data-scandal, involving the data-mining firm Cambridge Analytica and the social media giant Facebook. The two have been accused of misusing their users' data for misleading them to affect their voting behaviour.

Facebook has witnessed a drop of 7 percent in its shares since the scandal has surfaced. Moreover, there has been an online campaign going on to delete Facebook and stop using it. The campaign saw the likes of WhatsApp co-founder and Tesla's CEO Elon Musk joining it and Elon Musk going as far as deleting the official pages of his ventures Tesla and SpaceX.

The apology over the issue of misusing the personal data of over 16 million users to influence political exercises like the US Presidential elections and Brexit read-"We have a responsibility to protect your information. If we can't we don't deserve it," he said.

The advertisement offering apology ran in prominent positions in six British national newspapers, including the best-selling Mail on Sunday, The Sunday Times and The Observer, which helped break the story, as well as the New York Times, Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal.

"This was a breach of trust, and I'm sorry we didn't do more at the time. We're now taking steps to make sure this doesn't happen again," he said.

Mark Zuckerberg has reiterated that Facebook is already taking adequate measures to make sure that any such breach of data doesn't happen again. With the public cybersecurity agencies investigating the case, the credibility of the social media giant has come under serious questions. The public image of Facebook has hit a new low following this case.

 Also To Read- BFF feature of Facebook and the truth behind it