Elon Musk to start a service to detect fake news and Propaganda; see details

Speed News Desk 24 May 2018, 14:12 IST

Elon Musk to start a service to detect fake news and Propaganda; see details

Elon Musk is a man with dreams. Dreams that he can he makes come true, the ones, very few in the world envision. However, he is the man who is making things happen, one by one. Amid the crisis on the credibility of Facebook and the world full of fake news. He was the one who took a public stand on the issue and deleted his and Tesla's official Facebook page just after the events unfolded.

His triumphs in the field of technology and space are known worldwide. Tesla has been working on providing the world with electric cars and the first fleet of such cars are already doing rounds on the roads of various countries in Europe particularly in Norway.

Elon Musk said, “Going to create a site where the public can rate the core truth of any article & track the credibility score over time of each journalist, editor & publication,” tweeted Musk. “Thinking of calling it Pravda ...”


Elon Musk's vocal stand on the fake news has been widely appreciated and welcomed. However, Elon Musk has now come up with another plan to curb online fake news. Elon Musk proudly announced to the world that he intends to create a website dedicated to rating individual journalists and news organization based on their supposed truthfulness.

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