On The Verge Of Death: Watch people rescue great white shark stuck on beach

Speed News Desk 7 May 2023, 14:23 IST

On The Verge Of Death: Watch people rescue great white shark stuck on beach

Great white sharks are one of the most brutal predators swimming in the oceans. They are ruthless and spare no one who comes in front of this giant fish. These sharks can smell blood in the water from hundreds of meters away and follow to hunt it down.

They literally rule the sea, but apart from dominating their territory, these big fishes, like other marine life, become vulnerable when they are outside the water.

Sharks need a lot of water to constantly run over their gills in order to collect oxygen to breathe. If these big fish remain out of water and motionless for too long, they die.

There have been plenty of incidents when sharks and whales got stranded for several reasons and became stuck at beaches, and people at the beach rescued them.

A similar incident took place at a beach in the United States when a young great white shark got stuck on a beach after being stranded by a receding tide, and people joined hands to rescue the marine creature.

In the clip, a two-meter-long young great white shark can be seen lying motionless on the beach while two men throw water at it with buckets. The shark remains motionless, but the men don’t lose hope and continue throwing water at the big fish. After some minutes, the young shark takes a long breath, and the people standing there heave a sigh of relief. The men continue pouring water on the marine creature until the officials arrive. The officials then carefully tie a rope to its tail and drag it back to water, guiding the shark back to the sea. The video ends with the young great white shark swimming and vanishing away in the ocean.

Watch here.

According to The Guardian, the video was shot back in 2015 at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, United States.

Notably, sharks and other marine life can become stranded in the shallows for several reasons. Sharks may wash up if they are unable to navigate themselves to deeper water. However, these big fish also become stranded if they are sick or injured.

The satisfying video clip was shared on Twitter by an account named @B&S with the caption, “People rescuing a Great White Shark that beached itself chasing a seagull. Filmed on Cape Cod, Massachusetts.”

Since being shared the clip has accumulated over 18.2 million views and more than 1,22,000 likes. Twitter users praised the two men for not losing hope and saving the life of the young shark.

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