Heartwarming Encounter: Diver convinces tiny octopus to trade plastic cup for seashell

Speed News Desk 14 May 2023, 16:01 IST

Heartwarming Encounter: Diver convinces tiny octopus to trade plastic cup for seashell

The ocean, a world of wonder, teems with fascinating creatures and has its own unique ecosystem. Marine animals thrive in their watery realm, where the law of "survival of the fittest" also applies.

Similar to their counterparts in jungles, small and vulnerable marine creatures must employ survival tactics to evade becoming prey. They have clever strategies to outsmart larger predators, and sometimes even seek assistance from humans.

Numerous videos circulating online showcase these interactions, where humans come to the aid of marine creatures in need.

In today's featured video, a diver is seen helping a tiny octopus hide from potential threats. The octopus cleverly conceals itself within a seashell, using a disposable plastic cup as additional cover. The compassionate diver notices the small cephalopod and endeavors to offer it a better hiding place. Through a heartwarming exchange, the diver presents various seashells to the octopus, with the creature ultimately selecting a suitable one, abandoning the plastic cup. The video concludes with the diver placing another seashell atop the octopus, providing added protection from larger predators.

Watch here.

The delightful video clip was shared on Twitter by the account @Buitengebieden, accompanied by the caption, "A diver convinced this little octopus to trade its plastic cup for a seashell."

Since its posting, the clip has garnered over 2.4 million views and received more than 26,000 likes.

Twitter users not only appreciated the unique "trade" between the diver and the octopus but also expressed concerns about the plastic waste humans discard into the sea. Some viewers even pledged to stop consuming octopus after watching the video.

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