'Redwood Forest' on Mars: MIT's design to support life on the red planet

Speed News Desk 29 November 2017, 14:36 IST

'Redwood Forest' on Mars: MIT's design to support life on the red planet

The engineer and architect team of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has won the design competition of the city to be settled on Mars. This city is exactly like the forest. The purpose of the competition is to set up a permanent city on the red planet in the future.

The competition was sponsored by both NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA).

MIT named its design as 'Redwood Forest'. In this, the houses were built on trees in such a way that 50 people could live together. These houses will have open spaces. There will be trees and abundant water.

The houses will be built on tree and from the bottom, the tree habitat will be connected through a system of tunnels called “roots” that will go from place to place. This way, a total of ten thousand people will be able to live together.

These roots will save people from radiation, small meteorite coming from the cosmos and major changes occurring suddenly in the temperature. According to researcher, MIT's assistant professor Caitlin Muller, this city of Mars will be exactly like the forest.

With the presence of ice, water, soil and sunlight on red planet, the condition will be made suitable to support life. The design of forest is a symbol of the fact that the nature will expand.

According to the researchers, every tree house will consume energy from the sun and it will use this energy to carry water from one tree to another. At the same time, this design can be used to make life easier on Earth.