Social-economic condition of America is declining: Alan Friedman

Nishant Chhabra 26 January 2018, 20:30 IST

Social-economic condition of America is declining: Alan Friedman

United States of America (USA) is probably losing its tag as a superpower nation. The country’s sheen seems to be fading away. Or so feels American Journalist and Writer Alan Friedman. He had said that there is a decline in the social-economic conditions of Americans in the last a few years.

Friedman, who is the author of the book ‘This Is Not America’, was in conservation with C. Raja Mohan and John Freeman at a session in Jaipur Literature Festival on Friday. The session was moderated by Journalist Jyoti Malhotra.

During the discussion, Friedman shed light on how America's economic condition is declining. He even said that America is declining as a superpower. "14 percent of America is under the poverty line and the social-economic condition is declining.  This means that one-third population of America is under serious economic crisis," emoted Friedman.

He even blamed US President Donald Trump for the declining position of USA. "President Donald Trump is unable to fulfill his promises and he has a very unpredictable foreign policy. That is even probably helping China. But, for India, Trump is an opportunity, as he is Anti-Pakistani," the author added.

Indian academic and foreign policy analyst C. Raja Mohan said that Globalization has had negative consequences on a large number of people who had traditional working style. "People with traditional working style have been affected most by consequences of globalization. If they understand they change, they would also grow," said C. Raja Mohan.