Cambridge Analytica scandal triggers BJP-Congress war of words

Anurag Dey 21 March 2018, 21:03 IST

Cambridge Analytica scandal triggers BJP-Congress war of words

While the sensational Cambridge Analytica (CA) scandal continues to unfold in the US and UK attracting global outrage, in India it has triggered a massive political slugfest between the Centre’s ruling BJP and the Opposition Congress.

If the BJP used reports of the CA’s “sleazy tactics” and data manipulation to target Congress and its President Rahul Gandhi alleging links with the tainted firm, the Congress hit back with similar accusations.

The first salvo was fired by Congress spokesperson Manish Tewari who said the said the Election Commission should inquire about the services rendered by the firm in India and to whom.

He cited a media report that claimed CA had worked in many countries including India.


Within hours of Tewari’s tweet, Union Law and Information Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad held a media conference alleging links between the Congress and the CA.

“Cambridge Analytica, the agency roped in by Congress to run their 2019 campaign and termed as their 'Brahmastra' in certain section of media, is accused of using bribes, sex workers to entrap politicians and stealing data from Facebook.

“Will Congress Party depend on data theft and manipulation to win elections?” asked Prasad.

Referring to media reports, Prasad also demanded the Congress to come clean about its meetings with now-sacked CA CEO Alexender Nix

“How many times did Rahul Gandhi and Nix meet and what did they discuss? What is the CA's role in Rahul Gandhi's social media presence," he asked.

I want to specifically warn the Congress that the nation will not tolerate any kind of data theft or manipulation in India," he said.

Prasad even went to the extent of dramatically threatening Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and said that he can be summoned to India if required.

“Abuse of social media including Facebook cannot be allowed to impact the fairness of elections. In the wake of recent data theft from Facebook, let my stern warning be heard across the Atlantic, far away in California," said the minister.

“Any covert or overt attempt to misuse social media including Facebook to influence India's electoral process through undesirable means will neither be tolerated, nor be permitted. Let Facebook note it very clearly,” added the minister.

On 19 March, right-wing website Opindia made similar allegations in a report, “Has Cambridge Analytica already breached your privacy for Congress”.

Quick to dismiss Prasad's charges, the Congress went on the offensive and questioned the BJP’s links with CA.

Referring to BJP ministers' and party IT cell’s penchant for spreading fake news, Congress spokesperson Randeep Surjewala dubbed as “fake” Prasad’s press conference.

“BJP's factory of fake news has produced one more fake product today. It appears fake statements, fake press conferences & fake agendas have become everyday character of BJP and its 'Lawless' Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad,” said Surjewala.

He said the Prasad assertions are aimed at diverting the attention from the Modi government’s lies about the 39 Indians killed by ISIS in Iraq. This is also to ensure that there are no questions raised over the provisions of SC/ST Act being diluted.

He alleged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his ministerial colleagues were pressurising the media to carry the agenda only that favoured the BJP and blackout those opposing or criticising it.

While asserting that Congress or Gandhi never used or hired the services of Cambridge Analytica, Surjewala claimed the contrary.

“The BJP and JD(U) used Cambridge Analytica. The BJP hired the Indian business partner of Cambridge Analytica — Ovleno Business Intelligence (OBI) during Delhi Assembly election and used its services.

“OBI is being run by the BJP ally’s MP’s son. OBI company’s services were used by Rajnath Singh in 2009,” alleged Surjewala adding that the services were also used by the BJP during the Delhi assembly polls.

Surjewala also read out OBI vice-president Himanshu Sharma’s linkedin profile to buttress his claims.

“Managed four election campaigns successfully for the ruling party- BJP achieve its target of 272+ by managing Cell Centre Management Project Profiling of each and every volunteer/supporter who had extended his support to get involved in our Mission 272+ and confidentially maintaining the database provided to BJP candidate as an additional support for national elections and state elections of Haryana, Jharkhand and Delhi,” Surjewala said reading out the information from Sharma’s profile.

Congress party's social media head Divya Spandana also refuted Prasad charges calling them to diversionary.