Video: Our Trash, Their Trouble

Speed News Desk 15 February 2024, 9:46 IST

Video: Our Trash, Their Trouble

In a recent video shared on Twitter by wildlife enthusiast Susanta Nanda, a majestic tiger is seen picking up a discarded water bottle from a pond.

This serves as a stark reminder of the impact of human carelessness on wildlife.


Our irresponsible disposal of plastics and styrofoams poses a severe threat to ecosystems, and this incident exemplifies the extent of the problem.

The wild, a sanctuary for diverse flora and fauna, should not bear the burden of human waste.

Wildlife, unable to discern the dangers of human-made materials, becomes unwitting custodians of our negligence.

Carrying plastics and styrofoams into the wilderness not only disrupts the delicate balance of nature but also endangers the lives of countless species.