US senator Chris Van Hollen claims Indian authorities denied him to visit Kashmir

Speed News Desk 5 October 2019, 15:06 IST

US senator Chris Van Hollen claims Indian authorities denied him to visit Kashmir

United States Senator Chris Van Hollen has claimed that Indian authorities refused him permission to visit Kashmir when he showed his keenness to visit Srinagar to assess the affair on the ground.

Chris Van Hollen stated he wanted to visit Kashmir to see what was going on in the valley, but was not given permission by the Indian government. US Senator told the Indian Express in an interview that the Indian government told him that it was not the appropriate time to visit the valley.

On the motive of his tour, Chris Van Hollen stated to the daily that he wanted to see the situation on the ground in Kashmir. The US Senator alleged that the Indian government did not want him to see what was going on in the valley, where communication suppression remains.

"My personal view is that if you have nothing to hide, there is nothing to fear by allowing visitors to the state," he was quoted as saying by The Indian Express.

The US Senator was also quoted as saying by the Washington Posst that "as the world's two largest democracies, India and the United States talk a lot about shared values and this was the moment where transparency was important".

However, the Indian authorities, has not made any official statement regarding Hollen’s claims.

Previously, United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relation had steped up against India in connection to Kashmir when an amendment to an appropriation bill which stated restriction in Kashmir was set forth.

The amendment was suggested by US Senator Van Hollen. In his plea, Van Hollen focused on crucial India-US relation but also cited the on going humanitarian crisis in Kashmir. It also urged India to restore communication in the valley and release detainees.