UP: Paddy growers in Aligarh face problems due to delayed monsoon, seek govt help

News Agencies 19 July 2021, 8:58 IST

UP: Paddy growers in Aligarh face problems due to delayed monsoon, seek govt help

Due to delayed monsoon, farmers in Uttar Pradesh's Aligarh are facing hardships in growing paddy.

Farmers in the area are now seeking government help, as they rely on diesel, whose price is already soaring high, to run tube wells and water the fields.

Yogesh Kumar, a paddy grower in Aligarh told ANI that if the government sets a profitable rate and the mandis stick to it, only then will the farmers be able to earn something.

"Paddy is mainly grown in rain-fed areas that receive heavy annual rainfall, but due to delayed monsoon, we had to put more money in watering. We are spending a lot of money from our pockets," he said.

Bacchu Singh, another farmer emphasised that the rates of diesel have increased unexpectedly and there is lack of rain.

Adding to their problems is the shortage of power supply, which could have been used to run tube wells instead of diesel.

"The diesel is expensive. We are getting 3 to 4 hours of power supply. It is hard to grow water-based crop without rainfall. What will the farmers do?" he questioned.