Tripura celebrates 'Eid' with full devotion and congregation

News Agencies 2 September 2017, 20:23 IST

Tripura celebrates 'Eid' with full devotion and congregation

Thousands of Muslims from all across Tripura gathered at the Gedu Mia Masjid in capital Agartala to offer morning prayers on Eid al-Adha.

The prayers started around 9 a.m. and were conducted by 'Imam' of the mosque Maulana Abdul Rehaman.

Muslims hugged and exchanged greetings of peace and love even with those belonging to other religions.

It is the festival of sacrifice celebrated by the Muslims worldwide to commemorate the willingness of ' Prophet Ibrahim' to sacrifice his son to keep his word to God.

"Islam gives the message of sacrifice and this celebration of Eid is basically for sacrifice of the loved ones. It spreads the message of love," said Maulana Abdul Rehaman.

According to Rehaman, the Islamic philosophy and religion preaches sacrifice or 'Kurbani' on this day by commemorating the sacrifice give by the Prophet and also following that practice.

Md. Abdul Hamid, a resident of far Jammu and Kashmir, was happy to celebrate the festival in far off Tripura, which he described as a 'very peaceful place'.

His native place Kashmir is torn under by violent anti-government protests that have forced authorities to allow prayers only in mosques.

Similar was the expression of M Raju of Karnataka who along with his colleagues is celebrating Eid far from his family and home state.

He also said that though this is little painful to be away from family during 'Eid' but in Tripura it is very peaceful as people from all the communities and religions celebrate and live in peace.

Muslims across the world celebrate this historical event with great enthusiasm and respect.

Each Muslim family which is capable of sacrificing any animal prescribed in the Holy Koran does so and distributes the meat to the poor and also gives donations to various institutions, especially those run orphanages and elderly homes.