This family not using plastic bags since years to preserve environment

News Agencies 5 June 2018, 9:06 IST

This family not using plastic bags since years to preserve environment

Setting an example for everyone on World Environment Day, a family from Chhattisgarh’s Dantewada district has stopped using plastic bags to keep the planet clean and green.

The family has not been using plastic bags since last four years to preserve the environment.
Speaking to ANI, a family member said, "We have been hearing about all the adverse affects of plastic, so we decided that we will make it a habit to not use it. Plastic bags should be banned."

"We took the decision four years ago after we saw the drains in our society being clogged up during rain," he added.

It is to be noted that the entire country celebrates World Environment Day on June 5 every year for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of our environment.