Telangana: Amid lockdown, frontline warriors donate blood to save lives of Thalassemia patients

News Agencies 22 April 2020, 9:59 IST

Telangana: Amid lockdown, frontline warriors donate blood to save lives of Thalassemia patients

The frontline warriors in Telangana are playing a major role in saving the lives of Thalassemia patients by donating them blood during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr K Buchi Reddy, Director of Red cross, Vidya Nagar told ANI that each month her organisation would need around 800 units of blood to treat the patients.

"The Governor of Telangana helped us in arranging blood units during this Pandemic. The military people conducted 10 blood donation camps and gave us 1200 units. Similarly, the police department under the leadership of Mahender Reddy conducted several blood donation camps," she added

"Today we have enough amount of blood and we are also sharing it with the neighbours. Recently, we gave 100 units to Mahabub Nagar Red Cross, 150 units to Mahabub Nagar government hospital. We are ready to give it to any person and can also send it to any part of the state if they are in a need," Dr Reddy further stated.

A father of the patient also spoke to ANI about the same and said that the organisation is providing her daughter with the required blood even during the time of the coronavirus spread.

"My daughter is suffering from Thalassemia. We have come from Mahbubnagar district. We are so happy to get blood even during the lockdown period. Due to the COVID-19 spread, people are hesitant to give blood but with the initiative taken by the Police department and the government, we are able to get the donors."


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