Social media responsible for increase in terror

News Agencies 14 February 2018, 13:04 IST

Social media responsible for increase in terror

Northern Army Commander Lieutenant General Devraj Anbu on Wednesday said social media is acting as a catalyst in brewing terror.

Urging for an immediate solution in the connection Lt Gen. Anbu said, "Social media is also responsible for increase in terror, it's engaging the youth at a large scale and I think we need to focus on this issue soon. Also, we don't communalise; those making statements don't know the Army well."

"Enemy is frustrated and is trying for softer targets, when they fail at borders they attack on camps. Yes, youth joining terror is a concern, we need to address this trend," he added.

Lt Gen. Anbu further said Hizbul Mujahideen (HM), Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) or Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) are hands in glove.

"All three groups like HM, JeM or LeT are hands in glove whether it's in valley or here. There is no differentiation; they keep jumping from one Tanzim to other. Anyone who picks up an arm and is against the state is a terrorist and we'll deal with him," Lt Gen. Anbu noted.