See pic: ‘Dear PM Modi and MPs, pass the climate change law and save our future,’ says class 2 girl

Speed News Desk 22 June 2019, 12:06 IST

See pic: ‘Dear PM Modi and MPs, pass the climate change law and save our future,’ says class 2 girl

A 7-year-old girl from Manipur is creating headlines for her message to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and also for Members of Parliament.

Licypriya Kangujam raised her concern for climate change and urged PM Modi and MPs to work for this major problem which has become a big trouble for the nation.

Kangujam stood outside near the Parliament on Friday and holding a placard which read, “Dear Mr. Modi and MPs, pass the climate change law and save our future.”

See pic:


Kangujam is a resident from Manipur, also address the United Nations in April 2019 at the UN headquarters in Geneva in Switzerland. The theme of the event was ‘Resilience Dividend: Towards Sustainable and Inclusive Societies.’

Licypriya also told media persons that she has requested PM Modi and all MPs to pass a law on climate change so as to save the future of India’s next generation.

"The sea levels are increasing and the Eart is becoming hotter," Kangujam told news agency ANI, adding "they should act now".

In 2018, Kangujam was also invited to the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risks Reduction held in the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar.

However, she has created history after being appointed as the Child Disaster Risks Reduction Advocate in the International Youth Committee (IYC).

She was also the youngest participant who was invited by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) and the Government of Switzerland where she represented children of India and also across Asia and the Pacific.

Kangujam also said on climate change that “I get scared when on television I see people suffering and dying because of earthquakes, floods, and tsunami.” She also added that “ I cry when I see children losing their parents or people becoming homeless due to dangers of disasters.”

To avoid such natural calamity, Licypriya urged other people to join their hands, minds, and passion to create a better world for everyone.

The 7-year-old girl plea comes to light as half of the country’s population is facing an acute water crisis which is directly or indirectly due to climate change.

Also, Scientist claims that due to the melting of Himalayan glaciers, floods can be triggered in the country’s northern part accompanied by erratic monsoons which will lead to droughts in peninsular India. 

It's time to see that how PM Modiwill respond to this youngest activist's request.

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