Rohtak: Five months pregnant 10-year-old girl allowed abortion

Speed News Desk 17 May 2017, 9:50 IST

Rohtak: Five months pregnant 10-year-old girl allowed abortion

A 10-year-old girl from Rohtak, who is five months pregnant, has been allowed to undergo an abortion by the medical board of Rohtak's Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences.

The minor was allegedly repeatedly raped by her stepfather.

According to media reports, a panel of doctors were given the task of deciding whether the victim should be allowed to terminate her pregnancy.

The girl was forced to take her case to the court and her case was reportedly referred to a panel of medical experts, who gave the verdict in child's favour.

Now that the girl has won the rights to abortion, the procedure will take place any time now.

The girl, who was due to give birth in four months, was raped multiple times by her step-father, who is also her father's brother. He threatened her not to talk about it to anyone.

As per the Indian law, a woman is not allowed to abort child after 20 weeks unless doctors certify that the pregnant woman's life is in danger.

It was only last week when child's mother took the girl to a doctor after suspecting that she is pregnant.

The mother of the girl works as a domestic help and often left her alone at home when she went to work.

The girl's mother reported her husband to police after which he was arrested.