RJ Naved's hard-hitting message on 'rape of 8-months-old baby girl' is an eyeopener for us

Speed News Desk 3 February 2018, 13:37 IST

RJ Naved's hard-hitting message on 'rape of 8-months-old baby girl' is an eyeopener for us

'Rape', a four-letter word that has now emerged as country's one of the biggest problems. It's very shameful that every hour near about 6 girls are being raped and the shocking thing about it is almost 98 percent were raped by someone known to the victim. So, RJ Naved has a strong message on this cruel act 'Rape'.

Recently, a horrifying incident about an 8-month-old baby-girl being raped by her 28-years-old cousin. The baby girl was found in a pool of blood at her aunt's place. The little angel was immediately rushed to the hospital, where the doctors declared that she has been allegedly raped. This act has stunned the nation at the very moment when we came to know about it. It just showed us that humanity is dead and we are heading towards the dark.

After coming through this the very first question that hit our head is, Are women/girl safe in our country or even at home? No, this is what we get. Isn't it?? what are we doing to stop it??? Nothing again. There are multiple questions that continuously hit our head and answer to we have is 'No or Nothing'.

Amidst this, RJ Naved has one of the best messages for us and that will give us goosebumps. This social message of RJ Naved is winning hearts over the internet. No doubt RJ Naved has always touched our heart with his impactful and hard-hitting messaged for our cruel society.

RJ Naved does a social experiment, in which he calls up a Gynecologist and asked her to get the baby (that he feels it is a girl) aborted. Losing her calm the doctor slams him for his shameful approach towards aborting a baby girl. She also says that he is not only one, there are the majority of people who prefer a boy over a girl. That's when Naved comes up with a wonderful message and undoubtedly it is an eyeopener for our society.

Raj Naved says how people are fighting our religion 'Hindu-Muslim' issues and asks them to not to fight with each other, instead reunite and fight against the un-human act 'Rape'.

Here is the full audio: When will THIS stop???

Here's how netizens reacted to RJ Naved's Message.


We all need to come together and fight for ' our nation's daughter' before its too late. Will you??