Rajasthan: Kota engineer's two-year-long battle with IRCTC over cancelled ticket results him refund of ₹ 33

Speed News Desk 9 May 2019, 16:42 IST

Rajasthan: Kota engineer's two-year-long battle with IRCTC over cancelled ticket results him refund of ₹ 33

A Kota-based engineer who was involved in a 2-year-long battle with IRCTC over ticket cancellation received on Rs 33 from Indian Railways. While the rest of her amount was deducted as a service tax despite cancelling his ticket before the implementation of GST (Goods and Service Tax).

Sujeet Swami a 30-year-old man booked his ticket in April 2017 for a journey on 2nd July from Kota to New Delhi which cost him Rs 765. However, he cancelled the ticket within the time period and received Rs 655 as a refund and since then he is battling with IRCTC as they deducted Rs 100 instead of Rs 65. “I have been following up the case since 2017 and was given only assurances that the amount would be refunded,” Swami told the news agency.

Swami was charged an extra service tax of Rs 35 despite cancelling his ticket before GST implemented in 2017. After this, he filled an RTI in an attempt to get a full refund for his cancellation. While in its reply IRCTC said that tickets which were booked before implementation will not be refunded and also said that they will refund him the amount of Rs 35.

However, Swami only got Rs 33 as a refund on 1st May 2019 after two years. "I kept following the matter through RTIs. It was a long battle I had to fight. My RTIs was transferred 10 times from one department to another from December 2018 till April end. Finally, I have received Rs. 33 in a bank account," Swami told news agency PTI. He also added that he will follow the case again for the harassment they caused to him.

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