Pak funding: Two Separatist leaders to appear before NIA today

News Agencies 29 May 2017, 9:09 IST

Pak funding: Two Separatist leaders to appear before NIA today

Two separatist leaders from Jammu and Kashmir will appear before the National Investigation Agency (NIA) today in its Delhi headquarters.

According to reports, Farooq Ahmad Dar alias Bitta Karate and Javed Ahmed Baba alias 'Gazi' of Tehreek-e-Hurriyat will be present before the agency.

They have been summoned in connection with a case related to the funding of terror and subversive activities in Jammu and Kashmir.

The two leaders also have been asked to bring certain bank and property documents, besides other papers. Earlier this month, the NIA had questioned them in the national capital for four consecutive days.

The NIA, which went to Srinagar to probe into the alleged funding by Pakistan for illegal activities in Kashmir, continued questioning the separatist leaders regarding their involvement in raising, collecting and transferring funds through Hawala and other channels for terror funding in Kashmir.

The NIA is probing all aspects of funding of separatist leaders and use of these funds in fuelling the unrest in the Valley.

The agency has collected details of 13 accused charge sheeted so far in the cases in the Valley in the recent past, pertaining to the damage caused to schools and public property as part of the larger conspiracy to perpetuate violence and chaos in Kashmir.

The development came after the Hurriyat Conference suspended Nayeem Khan from the organisation after he allegedly confessed to receiving money from Pakistan and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) for Kashmir unrest.

Khan was allegedly heard admitting in a TV sting operation that he had received money from Pakistan to create unrest in the Valley. He, however, claimed that the sting operation was fake and doctored.

After the video surfaced, the NIA registered a preliminary probe against Khan, Tehreek-e- Hurriyat leader Gazi Javed Baba and Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (R) chairman Farooq Ahmed Dar.