No business in LS, mob lynchings dominate RS proceedings

News Agencies 20 July 2017, 19:15 IST

No business in LS, mob lynchings dominate RS proceedings

The Lok Sabha today could not take up scheduled business due to repeated adjournments.

In Rajya Sabha discussion continued on reported increase in the incidents of lynching and atrocities on minorities and dalits. Members during the debate condemned the acts of brutality and urged that strict action must be taken against the attackers.

It was suggested that investigative and judicial processes should be sped up and special courts could be set up to expedite cases related to lynching.

Members reiterated the need to strengthen the police forces and the need for a new law related to mob violence.

Leader of the House Arun Jaitley informed the House that Home Minister Rajnath Singh had spoken to state chief ministers where such incidents had occurred and arrests have been made.

He added that wherever acts of violence and lynching have taken place, legal proceedings and charge sheets have been prepared in a systematic way.

He reaffirmed that violence should not be seen from a partisan view and everyone must fight against it.