Muslim Man performed 'shradh' for his family less Hindu friend, an act of friendship in West Bengal

Speed News Desk 6 June 2018, 11:10 IST

Muslim Man performed 'shradh' for his family less Hindu friend, an act of friendship in West Bengal

In an act of social harmony, a heartwarming incident reported from West Bengal. Last month a man name Milin Das in Burdwan’s Nurse quarter died a sudden death. And he was an alone survivor in his family, people living in his neighbourhood was worried that who will perform his last rites. But then Milin Das closest friend Rabi Sheikh took the whole matter in his hand and decided to perform all the Hindu rituals for the last rite of his friend. There was no barrier to the religion and it was just an act of human to human relationship.

People were first surprised and confused that as the person belonged to the Muslim community and how he will be able to perform all the Hindu rituals. But Rabi Sheikh ignored all these facts and he felt no religious boundaries for performing the last rites of his friend whose body was waiting to be cremated.

Later Rabi Sheikh performed each and every single ritual of the last rites, he even organised a shared (another Hindu ritual) for his Hindu friend. This pure act of friendship by Rabi Sheikh caught the attention of media and people who praised him all around for this humanly act. The priest who helped him to perform the last rites called himself fortunate to be the part of this honest friendship. He said to the Anandabazar Patrika “I wonder if I will ever be so fortunate again. This is friendship winning over religious restrains,”. Anandabazar Patrika also reported the Rabi Sheikh comment on the whole incident and he said “We were very good friends. There has hardly been a day in the last 10 years when we haven't met,”.

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