MP: Man brutally thrashed for being unable to return money, public thrashing video goes viral

News Agencies 6 October 2019, 12:10 IST

MP: Man brutally thrashed for being unable to return money, public thrashing video goes viral

A man here in Kasrawad was brutally thrashed in front of a mob by a local goon for being unable to return the money owed, said Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Shashikant Kankane.

"The victim had filed a report citing he was beaten up by some people, the station incharge approached the victim and took his statement. He was badly beaten up and the matter is related to money, this also came up during listening to both sides. We have taken some people for questioning in connection with the case," Kankane told reporters here on Saturday.

The victim, Shoaib Khan, had taken a loan of approximately 12 thousand from a man named Bhuru Khan a month back.

Bhuru Khan called Shoaib in a field near the village on Monday and started thrashing him after tying his hands, not satisfied with just beating him, the perpetrator also filled chilli in his private parts.

Bhuru had himself gotten a video of the incident recorded and made it viral.

The Balakwara police swung into action when it got hold of the video and filed a report of the incident on Thursday.

The victim, Shoaib is admitted in the district hospital where he is being treated for multiple injuries.

Further investigation is underway.