Manmohan Singh presides over Congress review of Kashmir crisis

News Agencies 20 May 2017, 17:06 IST

Manmohan Singh presides over Congress review of Kashmir crisis

Former prime minister Dr. manmohan Singh on 20 May presided over a Congress Party review meeting of the current crisis in Jammu and Kashmir.

The meeting of the policy planning group constituted by Congress president Sonia Gandhi took place at Singh's residence.

Jammu and Kashmir Congress Parliamentary Affairs Committee (PCC) head Ghulam Ahmad Mir and senior party leader Ambika Soni attended the meeting.

"All members were present at the meeting except P. Chidambaram as he had some work In Tamil Nadu. Everybody put their opinion freely and frankly. We also expressed grave concern over the current situation in Jammu and Kashmir. We will again call a meeting," Congress leader Ambika Soni told ANI.

Reiterating Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi's assertion, she further said that

all that was done by the UPA government had been washed away.

"There is long history of initiatives taken at different levels by the UPA government under the Congress leadership," she added.

The Kashmir is witnessing unprovoked firing, ceasefire violation and incidents of stone pelting in recent times.