Madhya Pradesh: Woman disowned by family for running cow shelter

News Agencies 25 June 2018, 12:58 IST

Madhya Pradesh: Woman disowned by family for running cow shelter

While India is known to consider cows sacred, a Muslim woman is facing death threats for protecting them.

Mehrunisa Khan, the state president for National Cow Service Corps in Madhya Pradesh, has been threatened by her husband and in-laws for working towards the protection of cows.

Khan's parents and daughter, too, have turned against her for her profession.

"From the day I joined this cause, I have been receiving death threats from not just outsiders but from my own family. Even after moving away from them, they keep telling me to leave this as it hampers their reputation. I do not how working for animals, who cannot even say anything is ruining their reputation," she told ANI.

Despite the threats, Mehrunisa is continuing to a run a cow shelter in Neemuch district, 500 kilometres away from her home. She also said the threat to her life will not stop her from working in cow shelters.

"I feel peaceful when I work for those who cannot even speak for themselves. I will continue working for them and not let these threats bring me down," said Khan.

Meanwhile, Madan Ojha, a retired teacher who is helping Mehrunisa run the cow shelter, said cow protection should not be turned into a communal issue.

"I hope that my shelter becomes an example for all those who want to spread hate. We do not feel any religious difference here since everyone is dedicated to one noble cause. Now that Mehrunisa madam has joined, I feel that this cow shelter will grow and become an example of peace for the whole country," he told ANI.