Kathua rape: Petition filed seeking urgent hearing against torture on social activist

News Agencies 7 August 2018, 15:34 IST

Kathua rape: Petition filed seeking urgent hearing against torture on social activist

A habeas corpus petition has been filed before the Supreme Court seeking an urgent hearing against the alleged torture meted out to social activist Talib Hussain by Jammu and Kashmir police, in connection with the alleged Kathua rape and murder case.

The Chief Justice of India (CJI) Dipak Misra is likely to hear the matter on Wednesday.

The petitioner claimed, when Hussain was helping the family members of the Kathua victim, the police allegedly picked him up and there was no information as to where he is at present.

Hussain is a social activist, who led an agitation seeking justice for the family of the eight-year-old victim.

The eight-year-old girl, belonging to a nomadic Muslim tribe, was abducted, drugged, gang-raped, tortured and killed in January.