Karnataka CM writes to PM Modi asking to repeal 'unconstitutional' cattle ban

News Agencies 10 June 2017, 18:00 IST

Karnataka CM writes to PM Modi asking to repeal 'unconstitutional' cattle ban

Dubbing the Centre's notification on cattle trade as 'unconstitutional and unfair', Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi asking him to repeal the new rules which would put 'enormous financial burden on the farmers.'

Karnataka is among the states that are opposing Centre's new notification prohibiting sale of cattle for slaughter purpose.

"I am writing this in response to the notification of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change of Government of India dated 23.05.2017 on the new rules called the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Regulation of Livestock Markets) Rules, 201T. The said Rules prescribe certain restrictions on cattle trade. I would like to bring to your kind attention that these rules are unconstitutional and will have far reaching negative impact on the Indian society and economy," Siddaramaiah said in a letter.

He further said that the Centre's new notification would cause enormous financial burden on the farmers, thereby further contributing to the agrarian crisis.

"The said rules mandate providing proof with documents stating that the cattle will only be traded for agricultural or domestic purposes. A good percentage of farmers in the country would not be in a position to produce such documents, thereby they would not be able to trade cattle and other animals. Moreover, when the cattle grow old and become unproductive for farmers, the above rules prevent the farmers from selling them," the letter states.

The Karnataka Chief Minister further said that the rules notified by the central Government flout the provisions of the State law.

Asserting that the Centre's new rule brings in unfair and unnecessary dietary restrictions, he said, "You are aware that meat is the key source of protein for the poor and ordinary people. It is consumed by people of all faiths and not only by minorities and dalits."

Siddaramaiah further stressed that the said rules will adversely affect the lives and livelihood of a large number of people involved in the leather industry, which in turn will adversely affect country's economy.

"India is one of the largest exporters of meat in the world and the new rules will negatively affect the meat and leather industries and the lives of lakhs of people who depend on it. This will also destroy many public sector meat processing units," he added.

He further berated the Centre saying that the rules should have been introduced after detailed consultation with the States.

"The absence of efforts to take the States into confidence on such an important matter hits at the very roots of federalism. I earnestly request your kindself to reconsider the matter afresh by repealing the said Rules in the larger interest of the farmers and the society," he said.

Earlier, the Karnataka Chief Minister had said it is not mandatory to follow every notification which comes from the Centre.

"It is not mandatory to follow every notification which comes from Centre as this matter is a state issue," Siddaramaiah told the media.